Coaching is the essential skillset for the 21st century. It’s the process by which leaders engage with their team members, understand their concerns and challenges, and develop the confidence and accountability to take on tough challenges.
Fierce Coaching® is a question-based approach which avoids advising, asking coachees to discover their own solutions which make sense for them. This 7-step coaching model encourages coaches to recognise the impact of their actions and the actions of others, and to take full accountability to unlock solutions. Fierce Coaching®:
- surfaces and addresses issues critical to success
- stimulates self-generated insight and curiosity
- provides the push for action or change
- develops the art of asking questions
- builds develop self-reliance and accountability
The Fierce Mineral Rights Model® is a coaching tool which aims for depth, to engage coachees with the underlying issue, to name it and to solve it. Simple but instantly effective, this tool has the power to transform how people communication as they realise the power of asking.
‘Our leaders now have a common toolkit of conversational strategies that bring results. It’s been life changing for people – personally and professionally. – Nancy Bradley, Iowa Dept. of Education