International leaders today face serious challenges, from significant market uncertainty to serious internal collaboration issues linked to, for example, transformation processes, a lack of alignment around roles and responsibilities, and challenging levels of international diversity.
High performance in this context requires global leaders to develop:
- a mature understanding of the global business environment and their own international organisation
- an agile and resilient mindset to drive effective cross-border performance
- highly effective team communication skills which build engagement and trust
- a commitment to co-create aligned collaboration practices which deliver results consistently
- a drive to grow talent which can meet current and future challenges
- a willingness to take accountability across organisational boundaries
As a result of this workshop, participants will:
- gain deeper insights into themselves and others as leaders and people
- understand diverse options for leadership in complex international organizations
- have the capability to adapt own team and leadership style to the needs of specific individuals, teams and situations
- understand success factors for high performing international teams, and learn tools and processes to develop own teams
- be able to communicate sensitively and effectively for a range leadership purposes
including vision setting, trust building, engaging and influencing, coaching and feedback, managing conflict and facilitating team synergy - recognize the challenges of leading and communicating virtually, and be able to handle virtual communication channels effectively
This workshop-style event will enable individuals to develop a greater understanding of
themselves, others around them, their organisational context, and to co-create
leadership strategies to succeed together. Key themes explored will be:
- understanding the unique challenges of internationality
- the value and competence of ‘slow thinking’ for effective leadership
- interactive dialogue
- virtual communication
- performance management with Fierce® coaching and feedback